What is Ortho Keratology?

With the development of gas permeable contact lenses, doctors realized the cornea could be molded. The result of this was better vision without correction.  The contact lenses were shaping the cornea to the proper correction. The cornea would stay that way for a while before returning to its regular shape.

Cue in Ortho K!  With FDA approval for sleeping in Paragon Lenses in 2002, many studies were launched. Since then, it has been determined that sleeping in the specially fit lenses at night will allow you to be free of glasses or contacts during the day!

These contacts act as a retainer. As long as you wear them at night, you will see clearly during the day without correction.  If you decide to stop wearing them, your eyes will go back to needing glasses and contacts.  Good news is that studies have found that children that use Ortho K do not develop as much near-sightedness as those who do not, even if they stop wearing them.

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With the development of gas permeable contact lenses, doctors realized the cornea could be molded. The result of this was better vision without correction.  The contact lenses were shaping the cornea to the proper correction. The cornea would stay that way for a while before returning to its regular shape.